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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Hallandale Beach, FL (January 18, 2024) - 1/ST RACING and Jockeys’ Guild have announced today, through an industry partnership agreement, that 1/ST RACING will continue its on-going commitment to Jockeys’ Guild and its member jockeys.

The two organizations have agreed to continue to work together to promote the sport of Thoroughbred horse racing and for the safety and well-being of the jockeys. Under the terms of the Agreement effective January 1, 2024, each of 1/ST RACING’s venue racetracks (Santa Anita Park, Golden Gate Fields, Gulfstream Park, and The Maryland Jockey Club operating Pimlico Race Course and Laurel Park) will continue to make payments to the Jockeys’ Guild to subsidize health and safety benefits, life and accident insurances, as well as short-term and long-term disability benefits for qualifying jockeys who are members of the Guild and ride at 1/ST RACING racetracks.

“1/ST RACING is pleased to support Jockeys’ Guild. Guild members compete daily at 1/ST RACING venues, and we are proud to be their partner as we work together to advance and promote the well-being of jockeys and riders during and after their careers,” said Aidan Butler, Chief Executive Officer, 1/ST RACING & GAMING.

Terry Meyocks, President and CEO of Jockeys’ Guild, said, “For the past 15 years, the Guild and 1/ST Racing have had a strong working relationship, and we appreciate its continuation of support of benefits for our members. In addition to the direct benefits for the jockeys, we have also worked together on several important issues including promoting and striving to create a safe racing environment, providing assistance and resources for jockeys who have suffered severe and traumatic brain injuries, as well as addiction issues, and most recently, recognizing the importance of mental wellness for the jockeys. The Guild greatly appreciates Belinda Stronach, Chairwoman, Chief Executive Officer and President, 1/ST, and the rest of the members of 1/ST RACING team for their support of our members.”

About The Stronach Group and 1/ST

The Stronach Group is a world-class technology, entertainment and real estate development company with Thoroughbred horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering at the core. The company’s consumer facing brand 1/ST (pronounced “First”) powers The Stronach Group’s forward-thinking 1/ST RACING, 1/ST CONTENT, 1/ST TECHNOLOGY, 1/ST LIVE and 1/ST PROPERTIES businesses, while advocating for and driving the 1/ST HORSE CARE mission. 1/ST represents The Stronach Group’s continued movement toward redefining Thoroughbred racing and the ecosystem that drives it. 1/ST RACING drives the best-in-class horse racing operations at the company’s premier racetracks and training centers including: Santa Anita Park, Golden Gate Fields and San Luis Rey Downs (California); Gulfstream Park – home of the Pegasus World Cup Championship Invitational Series, and Gulfstream Park West (Florida); the Maryland Jockey Club at Laurel Park, Pimlico Race Course - home of the legendary Preakness Stakes, Rosecroft Raceway and Bowie Training Center (Maryland). 1/ST CONTENT is the newly formed operating group for 1/ST’s media and content companies including: Monarch Content Management, Elite, GWS and XBTV. 1/ST TECHNOLOGY is horse racing’s largest racing and gaming technology company offering world-class products via its AmTote, Xpressbet, 1/ST BET, XB SELECT, XB NET, PariMAX and Betmix brands. 1/ST LIVE blends the worlds of sports, entertainment and hospitality by delivering uniquely curated events such as InfieldFest and Pegasus LIV Stretch Village. 1/ST PROPERTIES is responsible for the development of the company’s live, work and play communities surrounding its racing venues including: The Village at Gulfstream Park (Florida) and Paddock Pointe (Maryland). As the advocate for critical industry reforms and by making meaningful investments into aftercare programs for retired horses and jockeys, 1/ST HORSE CARE represents The Stronach Group’s commitment to achieving the highest level of horse and rider care and safety standards in Thoroughbred horse racing on and off the track. For more information, please visit www.1st.com.

About The Jockeys’ Guild

Jockeys’ Guild, Inc. is the organization representing professional jockeys in Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racing in the United States. It was founded in May 1940 and has approximately 1,050 members, including active, retired and disabled jockeys. The purpose is to protect jockeys, strive to achieve a safer racing environment, obtain improved insurance and other benefits for members and to monitor developments in local, state and federal laws affecting the racing industry, and in particular, the jockeys. For more information about the Guild, visit www.jockeysguild.com or www.facebook.com/jockeysguild.

Media Contacts:

The Stronach Group and 1/ST

Tiffani Steer - tiffani.steer@1st.com

Jockeys’ Guild

Jennifer Ray - jray@jockeysguild.com